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Vritilife® Facial Serum (30ml)

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  • Helps smooth fine lines and helps reduce wrinkles
  • Reduces pigmentation
  • Provides deep nourishment by hydrating the skin
  • Provides even skin tone
  • Improves complexion and texture
  • Provides even skin tone
  • Brightens dull skin
  • Has moisture retaining properties
  • Botanical ingredients verified for quality and authenticity
  • Dermatologically safe*, hypoallergenic*
  • Product not tested on animals

*More than 90% of participants in the clinical trial agreed that Vritilife® Serum makes skin look free of fine lines, feels nourished and pampered with smooth texture, naturally looks glowing and radiant. The skin also looks more clear and brighter.


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Vritilife® Facial Serum is a unique blend of Ayurveda beauty oils to reduce discoloration, dullness and fine lines. Indulge yourself and make your skin smile while pampering with Vritilife® Serum because Abhyanga, a gentle oil massage, is an ancient way of enhancing skin quality*. It Improves facial skin elasticity and firmness.

*Skin tone, complexion, elasticity, reduces dryness, removes the dirt.


Tila/Sesame (Sesamum indicum) seed oil, Jaituna/Olive (Olea europea) fruit oil, Kunkumadi Taila (traditional poly-herbal oil), Badama/Almond (Prunus amygdalus dulcis) seed oil.

1. Ayurveda’s authentic beauty amalgam Kunkumadi oil – using it every day is indicated to improve facial complexion or one’s facial complexion1.
2. Olive oil is generally used for unctuosness2.
3. Almond is indicated to impart smoothness as per Ayurveda3.

Shastri, V. L. (1955b). Yogaratnakara, with Vidyotini Hindi commentary. Chaukhambha Prakashan. Gupt, K. A. (2011). Ashtang Hriduya. Vidyotini Hindi commentary. In (3 ed., Vol. Vol.-2 (Uttartantra chapter 32 verse 27- 30) pp. 566): Varanasi; Chaukhamba Prakashan Mishra. (2012). Kshudra rogadhikar. Bhaishajya Ratnavali of Govind Das Sen. In (pp. 942). Varanasi: Chaukhamba Surbharti Prakashan. (Reprinted from: Ch. 60, Ver. 103-105).
2Bhavaprakaha parishishta by Chunekar page 825 (Bhavmisra, 1600 AD).
3Bhavmisra, S. (1600 AD). Bhavaprakasa Nighantu (Vol. V Ayurvedic series). Chaukhambha Bharati Academy.

After cleansing, take a few drops of serum on your palm and give a gentle massage throughout neck and face. Use twice daily. For normal, dry, oily and combination of oily & dry.

Store in a cool, dry place and away from sunlight. Keep out of reach of children. This product contains herbs and tends to change colour over time; may not affect the benefits. Do not keep the bottle in open condition.


Avoid direct contact with eyes. If you have a question about your product use experience, please write to us at writetous@herbalife.com.